Meet and Greet: 12:30 pm
Presentation begins: 1:00 pm
Presenter: Daniel Horowitz
Daniel’s quest to find the truth about one of his great-grandmothers led him to a wealth of newly available records from the Holocaust in the Arolsen Archives — which just might help you find more information about the fate of your own family before, during, and after the war. Daniel will show us where to look and what to ask when researching a Jewish family that lived during the Holocaust including teaching us the techniques, tips and tricks used to sift through and identify the true from the false.
Join us at 12:30pm PT - before the meeting - for a meet and greet. Get to know the other genealogists attending our meeting.
©2021-2024 San Diego Jewish Genealogical Society
a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
PO Box 12563
La Jolla, CA 92039-2563